RNLI Singing @ Leigh Station – 19th December
A group of us met at Leigh station last Tuesday for carols in support of the RNLI. We had a good sing – a cappella style using the wonders of modern technology, a mobile phone with a piano app, to get our notes. The cakes from the coffee shop were a welcome treat – such a kind gesture from the proprietor. We raised over £745 – not a bad amount for 2 hours of singing and we must thank the rail passengers for the most generous giving. Well done to everyone who came along. The money we raised this year now takes the total support to the RNLI by the Southend Bach Choir to over £5,523.

HARP Christmas Concert – 16th December
The Choir once again continued its tradition of supporting HARP as we teamed up for a Christmas Carol Concert at St. Andrew’s Church, Westcliff. The concert consisted of well known carols, Christmas songs and readings. Thanks to everyone for making it such a wonderful event. The latest news from our HARP contact, is that we raised over £1500 – an excellent amount and thank you to the generous giving of the audience.
We are so pleased that our total fund raising for HARP is now over £6,900. If you would like to know more about the work of HARP then please visit: harpsouthend.org.uk/.

Article courtesy of the Echo (see: https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/24000089.show-must-go—carols-southend-charity-tragic-death/)
We received the following letter from Anna Firth MP:

St Augustine’s Christmas Fair
Some of our members attended the St Augustine’s Christmas Fair to promote the choir. This was purely a public relations exercise to let people know who we are, the work we do, and a name for the public to look for. We engaged with anyone who passed by. But recruitment in this format was a failure.
If there was any doubt of our presence, it came at the end when everyone was waiting for the draw to commence. There were endless delays and people became fidgety. At this point, the two members of the Southend Bach Choir began bawling “Why are we waiting?” to the tune of Adeste Fidelis. The public willingly joined-in with much laughter. The draw began within 30 seconds!

Our 80th Anniversary
Many members of the choir met for the Anniversary dinner at the Chalkwell Park Rooms on Tuesday, 24th October 2023. It was a great event and everyone who attended had a great time.

Crucifixion, St Albans Church – 26th March
What a fantastic concert we had! It was hard work but well worth it. It was great to see so many in the audience. What can one say about our two young soloists Nathan Stubbings (Tenor) and Johannes Gerges (Bass) – excellent – so much talent from two young gentlemen. They were both so complementary of the choir too and there was a sense of joy at being part of the SBC for the afternoon. Thanks to Roger Humphries for his excellent accompaniment and for battling with an organ that decided to be a bit temperamental on the day.
We raised £400 for the Bishop of Chelmsford’s Lent Appeal. Thank you to all who took part in making this a memorable concert.

HARP Christmas Carol Concert – 17th December
The Choir has been supporting HARP for a number of years and it was with great joy that we teamed up with HARP once again for a Christmas Carol Concert at St. Andrew’s Church, Westcliff. The concert consisted of well known carols, Christmas songs and readings. The choir thoroughly enjoyed singing the varied programme of music and the audience and special guests had a great time – especially during the Christmas Singalong. Refreshments were served afterwards and we appreciated the help and support of all the volunteers from HARP.
The Choir has been unable to support HARP for 2 years due to the COVID pandemic, but thanks to the generosity of the audience we managed to raise over £900 for HARPS work supporting the homeless and vulnerable over Christmas.
The Choir has been supporting HARP each year since 2017 (apart from 2020/2021 due to COVID) and in that time we have raised over £5,431 for this local worthwhile cause. If you would like to know more about the work of HARP then please visit: harpsouthend.org.uk/.

Thanks to Gaz de Vere for permission to use the photo.
RNLI Singing @ Leigh Station – 15th December
Will there be a train strike or won’t there? That was one of the questions we were asking when planning our annual support to the RNLI with Carol Singing at Leigh Station. Luckily on the day we’d planned to go there were no strikes although the train timetable was suffering a little from strikes close to the day. So several members of the choir braved the bitterly cold weather and sang heartily to the commuters as they travelled home. Carols old and new and a couple renditions of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. Commuter traffic may have been a bit lighter than normal due to the ongoing rail strikes but those who did pass through were quite generous and we managed to raise £303 for the RNLI.
It was the first time since 2019 that we’d been able to support the RNLI in this way due to the COVID pandemic,. It was good to get back to our normal Christmas events. The money we raised this year now takes the total support to the RNLI by the Southend Bach Choir to over £4,778.

First Post-lockdown Concert – 20th March
After two years and three months the Southend Bach Choir is truly back in business. I think everyone enjoyed singing in our concert and all the feedback from the audience was very positive, it was really great to be back singing in public at last. Our exit collection for Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief raised £475 and at our committee meeting the following Thursday we decided to contribute another £75 from choir funds which raised the total to £550.
Special thanks go to Colin for putting the whole thing together, to Janet Walker for her excellent accompaniment on the day and to our excellent soloists, Eve, Elaine, Janet, Alex, Ros and Ian.